Innovative metering solutions for smart grids
Fiber Optical Current Transformers
for Digital substations


No CO2 emission

Emissions of CO2 from public electricity and heat production contribute significantly to total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. Installing the fiberglass solution in the detection head of our transformer instead of the copper wiring ensures full galvanic isolation and zero CO2 emissions. This helps our customers to reduce the CO2 impact of their facilities and preserve a planet.

No Oil

Transformer oil contain PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) which belongs to the group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). It is subject for monitoring in the water, soil, air in industrialized countries. In humans, it’s provoked suppression of immunity and the development of serious diseases. When exposed to sunlight, through successive reactions, PCB’s can form dioxins, which are even more toxic pollutants.

No SF6 Gas

SF6 is strongest greenhouse gas, airborne contributes 0.2% to global warming annually. Decomposition products are toxic to humans, SF6 is heavier than air, in the event of accident, if SF6 enters human lungs, it is not excreted naturally. Under the thermal exposure produces toxic decomposition products – lower fluorides and sulfur compounds, and if even a small amount of moisture is present inside, aggressive hydrogen fluoride compounds appear, including HF (hydrofluoric acid).

Green recycling after service

Due to the absence of aforementioned substances in the design of optical transformers, disposal of equipment after the end of its service life becomes safe for the environment and humans.